Sitting Up Stage

Sitting Up (Turning over ~ Sitting up) Stage
He's moving a lot now, so you might wonder if his diaper is too tight?
The amount of urine is greater.
Development Approximate Weight: 6~14kg
Body overall
He can hold his head up completely, and pretty soon he will be able to sit up, so his body is getting sturdier and it will soon become easier to hold him.
Baby's legs are getting stronger, and he'll start kicking the bed covers around and things like that. When mama and papa hold him up, he may start to bounce up and down on their knees.
If you lay him face down, he'll be able to push up on his arms and lift his head up all the way. In a face-down position or while he's playing with his feet, he will soon learn how to turn himself over.
He'll gain dexterity and be able to grab toys and hit on things.
Waist & back
His backbone and the muscles that support it are developing.
At first, he'll be able to sit in a sort of leaning position, and then eventually he'll become able to sit up all by himself.
His sitting position will gradually become more stable over time.
Teeth may start to appear in some babies' mouths around this time.
The two front teeth on either the top or the bottom usually start to peak through about now.
Baby's metabolism is very active now, so his nails and hair grow quickly. He can cut or scratch himself with his nails, so trim them frequently. Be careful not to let baby's hair gets so long that causes ear rush or eczema. Also, be sure to check baby's nose and ears and take care of them. Also, baby produces a greater amount of urine, so if you don't change his diapers frequently he could get a rash on his bottom. Growth is fast in this stage, so the diapers that fit fine yesterday may be tight today; make sure the gathers around the waist and leg openings are not constricting him or causing a rash.
So it's important to keep the skin clean and also to moisturize it.
Breastfeeding, formula & solid foods
Pretty soon, baby will start showing an interest in mama and papa's food. This is a sign he's ready to start eating solid foods. Using a spoon and exploring foods' flavors and shapes are all first-time experiences for baby, so it will take a while to get used to it all. Move gradually and match baby's pace. Once he's used to creamy foods, move on to paste-like foods that are soft enough to smash with his tongue.
If he tries lots of different flavors when he's little, he'll be less of a picky eater later on. And even though he's starting solid foods, the amount of breast milk or formula he drinks will be about the same as before, so give him as much as he wants.
So use solid foods to supplement the amount or the nutrition that he's not getting enough of with milk alone.
Once baby can sit up and his body becomes sturdier, he can sit in a baby chair made for the bath, making bath time with mama and papa more fun. His hair may also grow a lot, so be sure to shampoo his hair thoroughly to avoid getting a heat rash on his scalp. Use a baby shampoo that rinses well and won't sting the eyes, and you won't have to worry. Once he gains strength in his legs, when you pick him up he may extend his legs and lose his balance, so be careful.
So before getting in the bath, be sure to check and adjust the temperature of the bathroom and the water.
Clothing changes
Once baby can turn himself over, anything that obstructs his movements will give him stress. Lightweight fabric and simple styles will make it easier for baby to move and easier for mama to care for him. He'll want to sit, clap his hands, play with toys, move his arms freely, and use his hands, so keep the sleeves short. If they're too long, roll them up.
So baby's basic outfit should be something easy to move in, like lightweight overalls or a t-shirt and pants.
A baby's day
If you feed baby well just before bed, he may sleep soundly until morning without waking in the nighttime. Baby will spend more time awake during the day, he'll play with mama and with toys, and he'll gradually become able to sit by himself for a long time and play. Although some babies may still cry at night or have trouble getting to sleep, it is good to take baby outside when the weather is good, stretch a mat out on the floor at home, and otherwise give him plenty of opportunities to play freely.
So make baby's daytime active and get him to sleep early at night, setting up a regular rhythm.
Once baby can sit up by himself for long periods of time, he may start making crawling-like motions!
update : 19.09.2017
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