My First Labour

Each labour and delivery is unique. How do you know that you are in real labour or are you just experiencing false labour? Let’s look at these signs of labour to have a better understanding of your situation.
Signs That You Are Close to Labour
1. Lightening
- Your stomach seems “dropped”.
- Baby’s head is engaged in your pelvis.
- You breathe more easily and urinate more frequently.
2. Increased Braxton-Hicks Contractions
Irregular contractions – strong but not painful.
3. Increased Vaginal Discharges
Creamy white discharge that begins in the middle part of pregnancy.
4. Weight Loss
2-3 pounds weight loss due to shift of body fluids.
5. Decreased Baby’s Activity
Baby will move less to conserve energy for delivery.
6. Nesting Instinct
Burst of energy as you prepare for baby’s arrival.
Actual Labour
1. Contractions
Progressively stronger, more regular and more frequent Lasts longer, peaks and reduces.
2. Pain
Abdomen and lower back, spreading to legs.
3. Bloody Show
Release of blood streaked mucus.
4. Rupture of foetal membrane
Gushing or trickling of amniotic fluid.
False Labour
1. Lightenings
- Irregular and doesn’t get worse or eases over time.
- Low intensity and short in duration.
2. Pain
Confined to lower abdomen and groin, rather than lower back.
However, as a precautionary measure you should SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION, if:
- You are bleeding profusely.
- Your water broke – Fluid is green, brown, yellow or anything besides clear or pinkish.
- Baby IS NOT moving.
- You feel something is wrong.
- You can’t stop vomiting.
- Experiencing unbearable pain.
- Have the urge to push.
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